Saturday, October 13, 2007

太陽照常升起(The Sun Also Rises)


《太陽照常升起》讓我想起《巴別塔》......「瘋 戀 槍 夢」四個看似不相關的故事,人物關係卻是千絲萬縷。在這四個荒誕悲劇中,不管他們選擇以哪種方式來過活 /了結問題,不管(也沒有)對錯,太陽依然照常升起。





Anonymous said...

What a coincidence! I just watched "The Sun Also Rises" last night, and I have the same feelings for the movie.

I like the "Madness" story most, and the performance of Zhou Yun is so impressing.

As you said, her madness was so natural and at the same time, she lets the audience feel that she has some login behind. She's such a strong-minded mother, but at the same time went mad because of the sad 60s'/70's they were living in that she lost her husband in those iconic missions.

I have also reviewed your profile, we are both born in similar years and am also a Taurus. Like Paris, movie and cultural stuffs :)

Unknown said...

Hello!! thanks for visit n comment!
I enjoy to share my feelings on movies, travel... my life through this blog, it is so happy to hv someone similar to me.

Wellcome to greenyjay.
Happy New Year!!